
Showing posts from February, 2010

Bucket list

Do you have a bucket list ? I have recently been giving this some thought and have thrown one together with some things that aren't so impressive really, but are simply things I have hopes for. For example, one of the things on my list is to train Indi to be ridden without a bridle. Probably to you that sounds pretty reachable, but I'm still working on riding halfway well with the gear..... I also have it in my brain to bring home a wild horse, I can't say if that will ever happen, but I'm not taking it off the list. Every time I visit " Mustang Diaries " I have pangs, I look up, tilt my head and wander off to a mustang altered universe .... My list is not about things I will get done with certainty, that is my old standby goals list, and it is a different set of things altogether. My bucket list is more about dreams and having those things there to wish on. Photo from my collection

Happy Valentines Day



I seem to be in a state of unrest these past few weeks. My normal peace and rythm have been interrupted with a restlessness and wandering that leaves me a little puzzled. My thoughts are pulling me to places like Montana and New Mexico with Nevada in the mix, because I want to photograph the wild horses there. I am normally content to stay at home most of the time, but lately I feel the need to search out some of the nightlife spots in the city. Even my art is reflecting this stirring. Maybe I just need to sow a few "wild oats" to bring me back full circle to the quiet road I normally travel.