
Showing posts from December, 2013

Amarillo by afternoon.....

Do you ever, on the spur of the moment hop in your vehicle and head to parts unknown ? This past Saturday my girlfriend and I did just that and headed west to Amarillo Texas. Neither of us knew what was there, and upon arriving decided "nothing" was. We looked for the old part of Amarillo, but just found the undesirable part of Amarillo. We were just about to turn around and head back home. We were hungry and a bit disappointed. We saw two policeman talking beside their vehicles so we pulled up and asked them where the "coolest " place in Amarillo was. One of them just laughed and the other looked up towards the sky with a grimace on his face. Meaning, there was no "coolest " place in Amarillo. He told us about the place where if you can eat the 72 ounce stak and all the fixins that come with it you get it free. Her and I put together weigh exactly 251 lbs and I don't eat meat. We explained we wanted the old part, the district with fun shops and the l...