Be STILL my heart

Okay, with a post title like that you had to know there would be something about the object of my obsession...... uh, I mean affection. I wanted to share two new additions, movie stills, to my old photo collection. The first one is, well you know who, and the horse from the movie "Tumbleweed." If you haven't ever seen it, you will love it just from a horse lovers point of view. It is a great story with some humor, and I recommend this movie!
The second is a fabulous image from " The Man Who Loved Cat Dancing." Don't bother with that movie, I just love this image!


  1. Tracey they are great! And I also love the second image! :)

  2. Hi Tracey - Thanks for the lovely PR - can't wait to see what you come up with, with "Stillness" - any idea when you'll have something to share? So glad you and Connie have hit iti off - your blog is fun and gets me thinking I should be doing more with mine.
    Warmly, Kim McElroy


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