
Showing posts from September, 2010

Sidesaddles and Suffragettes

In my living room sits a lovely black antique sidesaddle with ornate tooling on the leather, a Fall colored tapestry seat and a heart shaped metal stirrup. I absolutely adore it, it is like a piece of art to me, but with a real history. I often wonder about the lady who rode it, the horse who wore it, and what their lives were like. I've been doing some research lately for a book I plan to put to paper and came across some articles on Suffragettes and sidesaddles. I had never really put the two together like that before, but it doesn't take much reading to see how they are entwined. One article states " And while it is common knowledge that the Suffragettes achieved the right to vote in 1920, what has gone undetected is that these brave women rode into the voting booth as second-class citizens on a sidesaddle, then galloped out astride." Sidesaddles were conceived as a political and social tool of oppression to women and this is why the Suffragettes rode astride, and ...

Timeless ....

Most everyone who reads my blog knows I collect vintage photographs, a lot of them are the old time cowgirls, but I also collect images of the more typical victorian women and horses. I sometimes think they fascinate me so, because I often feel I should have lived in those eras instead of my own. When I look at them I feel some kind of connection, something resonates there. I always wonder who they were, how they lived, and what part the horses played in their lives. If you have never heard of Evelyn Cameron 1894 -1928, please google her. She was a fascinating person and lived what I think is an amazing life. She came from the elegance of England, riding side saddle and fox hunting, to the remote Montana lands to live on a ranch with her new husband. She trained horses and learned photography as a way to make money. She traveled many, many miles alone with her horse hauling her camera equipment to photograph the land and people. She journaled her life in writings and photographs. I hav...


This work titled "Contemplation," shows more of the technique I have been working on for my new pieces. After much - contemplation, I feel like I am finally "home" in this artwork form. It is meant to replicate the look and feel of vintage photos, though not photo realistic. I am very busy in the studio with painting and jewelry making, there is so much more to come ! Prints are also going to be available now, on Etsy and my website.

The horse God built

October 8th I will be at the movies. It is the opening date for the new Secretariat film. If you don't know Secretariat, I won't explain, if you do, then you know why I will go alone, because it will make me cry. Not only for Big Red but for Sham as well, whose brilliance would have stood alone had he raced at any other time. Secretariat, who bounded into my heart, like that of a whole nation, will again bring me to tears. I'm not only okay with that, I'm looking forward to it. "Oh Lord he's perfect" as one article stated back in his day. Those that criticized Secretariat as a stallion apparently did not understand he was one of a kind, the horse God built. See you at the movies....... To read about Secretariat check out these books: The Horse God Built, by Lawrence Scanlan or Big Red of Meadow Stable, by William Nack. The Secretariat video link on my sidebar might be of interest as well. This one will take you to Youtube.