Domino effect.....

I seem to be switching horses midstream a lot lately.... but it was after careful consideration, it had to be, because I loved my job at the police dept. I decided to apply for a job at the Fred Jones Jr Art Museum as a security guard. I was offered a position and there I am. I now spend my days watching over the likes of Fury {the black marble horse sculpture}, Renoir{ blurry because no flash is allowed}, Gauguin, Monet and Van Gogh.
One of my favorite people at the museum is the sweet, easy to like gal who works the front desk. In the course of one of our conversations we started talking about one of the art centers in town. She teaches there part time for extra income and I mentioned I would love to do that. She said they were desperate for teachers.... thus the domino effect. Change "one" thing in your life and that leads you down a new path... and another thing is presented to you, and so on, and so on. I will find out about the teaching this week, but it occurred to me that it is something I could even do out of my home on a small scale. Something I hadn't even thought of.... Then I can afford the new dressage saddle I'm wanting to further my riding skills. Since I have recently re-connected with some of my horsey friends from the past, one who is an instructor, I could resume those long awaited dressage lessons.... I love the domino effect.....


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