A new year begins....

In my last post I mentioned the howling wind and snow.....now followed by Christmas was cancelled. I think only Santa could make it through the blizzard like conditions we had, with record snow fall. Some of us are meeting up tomorrow to exchange gifts and eat mexican food. Oh, well, I love mexican food, and if Christmas dinner has to be replaced with spinach enchiladas, I, for one won't complain.
A new year has started, and like everyone else I have big plans for this year, even though I don't call them resolutions. There is something exciting and motivating about making new plans for the year yet to be, its like getting a do - over. I tend to be a dreamer, and have big hopes for this year to be something out of the ordinary ! I have been re-thinking my art and where I want to take it { yes, again.... now stop with the eye rolling please.} I've not been happy with how few pieces I've been getting done. I've been unhappy with the look of my art, so things are changing ! I will be re-vamping my art blog , {yes, I know, I know} and will be posting regularly there too {finally}. I'm excited about the new things I will be creating, and my art is going to take a front seat to everything for now, instead of being pushed to the back after everything else is done. I've started my murder mystery book, and I will let you know how that is going from time to time too. I hope you are excited about "your" new year and did you make resolutions ?

Looks like someone was having fun in the snow!


  1. Happy New Year and best wishes for your new goals. I love how our art grows with us as we evolve and change. It tells us a lot about ourselves. I do have some resolutions that I hope will balance my work and personal life a little better. Love the tracks in the snow pix.

  2. That is a lot of snow!!
    Good luck with your goals, I am sure you will accomplish each and every one of them!
    Happy New Year!!

  3. I could eat Mexican for Christmas! LOL

    Have a Happy New Year!

  4. Great pictures! I am so jealous of everyone's snow in blog-land! It is just wet and miserable here. I like your resolutions. Very exciting you started a book! I did too, but haven't worked on it in a month or so. The holidays kind of swept me by the wayside. I've got some other projects I want to do this year, too. I feel like it's going to be a great year!

  5. Okay, I'll admit that the only thing decent about that four letter S word are the photos you get to take! Then again, in the valley, the opportunities for wide open spaces are limited, so even if it did fall I'd not be happy about it =) I'll take the wet and miserable that Pony Girl is complaining about!

    Mexican for dinner sounds good to me, too!

  6. Be blessed in your new year ahead! I hope all your dreams come right to you this year.

    I don't usually make resolutions either, but dreaming is a vital part of my plans. A fresh year, now that's something to be pleased about.

  7. Your blog and photos are great as always


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