Bunny love

Did you know you can house train bunnies ? After having this sweet fellow in my life, I have never seen bunnies the same way. This is Touché, also known as Bun's. He was a so much fun and as darling as they come. He would come when called, was a snuggler, and loved to rip the paper off of Christmas presents. It would take too long to tell you all of his endearing ways. Suffice it to say his personality was bigger than "Harvey" and he was loved to the moon and back again. ♥

My son Chad {early 1991} & Touché snuggling.

His favorite napping spot, in front of the return vent.


  1. So cute! I have a 3-year old and he LOVES bunnies.

    Congrats on winning the brooch!

  2. Thanks for the kind words regarding my blog! Love your banner and you bunny is cute!

  3. What a cutie! We have SEVEN bunnies and they all have their own personalities. I never knew what wonderful pets they made until I got my first one, Nutmeg...after that I was hooked!


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